Old Boys Game & Dinner 2024

Old Boys Game & Dinner 2024

Saturday 15 June 2024
13:00 - 23:00
Tomos Williams
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Right then club members, the time has come for the long awaited and most monumental fixture of the meds calendar.

Where present faces its history, when youth must face wisdom.

It’s time for Old boys.

The battle kicks off at 14:30 on the 15th of June, meet up is at 13:30 at Llanishen High School.

The biggest social event of the year follows and a chance to reflect on our season and celebrate the achievements on the field and off the field, with Meds past and present.

The plan is the following:

1. Old boys game meet at 1:30 for 2:30 KO where we’ll give the OAP’s a can of whoopass
2. Meet at Henry’s at 6:30/7:00 for a few pre-swills
3. Move onto Jury’s inn at 7:45 for the raucous evening

At the dinner we will be giving out our end of year awards and recollecting with Meds of old. This year is a special one as it's Huw's 30th year of coaching, which I'm sure will be celebrated massively from all.

Get excited.

#ruppameds #oldboys

Further reading
This is a past event
8 members attending
Harry Davies
Harry Davies
Monty Heath
Monty Heath
Harri Jones
Harri Jones
Joe Corlett
Joe Corlett
Tom Bradley
Tom Bradley
Danny Lloyds
Danny Lloyds