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Medics Varsity 2023

Medics Varsity 2023

Monty Heath19 Dec 2023 - 18:44
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The TED Senior Foundation Trophy remains the right side of the bridge for another year.

This years Medics Varsity took place in Bristol on 2nd December. This happened to be probably the coldest day of the year. The day started very very early for the 2s getting on the Bus to Bristol at 8:00am. The day was not only brisk but it was also near on impossible to see when the lads arrived at North Bristol RFC because of the thick fog that covered the pitch. I guess it made it feel a little bit christmassy. It is not an overstatement when it is said that you could not see the other side of the pitch. Anywho let's get onto the important part - winning. And that is exactly what we did. The scoring was opened up early with Heath going in the corner. Following that a multitude of tries came in from many different people. Morgan James added another 2 to his name. Jack Yandle really nearly scored, but he didn't. Archie Gurling took one over following a great kick through from Charlie Hicks who proceeded to let the Bristol Coach know about it (the one who looked like a football coach). Anyway all in all the lads took Bristol to the cleaners, and back for that matter. I'm sure Bristol would like to say that rugby was the winner and it was but Cardiff Meds definitely won more than rugby 45-5. El champagne doth floweth as the twos ended their 2023 NAMS campaign with this win.

Moving on to the 1s game and in similar fashion but less convincingly Bristol took another trip to the launderette. Lets first start by saying the team soshe from Bristol was poor, reports of a crowd half the size apparently... embarassing. It was made worse when they started losing early on as well. Despite not playing our best rugby, we were the dominant team in every area of the field as usual. You know what they say, breaking tackles, breaking ankles is what we do best. Social media was enjoying the beers following the 2s game so he can't quite remember everything that went on, but it did get a little bit nervy in parts where the home advantage tried its best to help Bristol, luckily the Cardiff Meds know how to close out a game. Special shoutout to the Bristol person on the PA the whole game, I think even my chat is better than theirs - that's one hell of an achievement. Anyway after teasing Bristol into thinking they have a chance we took back control and secured the win yet again with a lovely bonus point under our belts. The final score was 29-18 to the Welsh Lads.

What a cracking day out for the lads from Cardiff - including the football lads and the netball and hockey teams - all of which took the W, basketball were less successful on their first year but good things come to those who wait. We will see you next year what is sure to be one hell of a pair of games as usual - same winners probs as well. hehehe.

#ruppameds #Varsitiscominghome

Further reading